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MarshallingVariants: Marshalling
Is the right disposing of more than one Coat of Arms in one Escutcheon, either by impaling or quartering, and of distinguishing their parts, and contingent ornaments, in their proper places, thereby shewing alliances, descents, etc. See Pedigree. In Marshalling quarterings, the shield of the earliest Heiress, whom the bearers ancestor has married, is placed first after the paternal coat; then succeed any quarterings her descent may bring in; the same is to be observed in respect to the second Heiress, and so on in chronological order. When a daughter becomes Heiress to her mother, also an Heiress, and not to her Father, which happens when the Father has a Son by another Wife, she bears her Mother's Arms with the shield of her Father on a Canton, taking all the quarterings to which her Mother was by descent entitled. When married, she conveys the whole to be borne on an Escutcheon of Pretence by her Husband, and transmit them at her death to be borne as quarterings by her descendants. A Grand Quartering is generally designed to denote the representation of a family different from that from which the possessor is descended in the linear male line; it usually accompanies the assumption of a second name, and unites the two associated coats so inseparably, that if they come to be Marshalled with other quarterings they are no longer (as in other cases) spread out among them, but they still remain together as a Grand Quartering. There is no general rule which coat shall take the first place. The paternal coat frequently retains it, but in many cases the assumed arms are borne as the first quarter. No person can claim a Coat of Anns of inheritance who is not lineally descended from the person to whom tlie arms were first granted, and no one can claim any right by inheritance until the death of his ancestor, but with some modification derived from the usage of arms. e.g. The Heir apparent is entitled, according to the custom of arms, to use his ancestor's coat with a label of three points. It will be as well to observe that no Husband can impale his Wife's arms with his own, on a Surcoat, Ensign, or Banner; nor can a Knight of any Order, when surrounding the shield with the motto of his Knighthood, bear his Wife's coat therein. Husband and Wife when she is an Heiress or Coheiress, the husband carries her arms in an escutcheon of pretence. When a Widow marries a second Husband he impales her paternal arms. Sea Funeral Achievements.

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