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An officer of Arms. The duties of a Herald were originally of a military and diplomatic character, but have for centuries been confined to matters relating to Armorial Bearings, Genealogy, and the Superintendence of Public Ceremonies.



An ancient symbol of hospitality, fertility and youthfulness. Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, wine, and ecstasy, was popular throughout much of the ancient world. In Rome he was known as Bacchus. Grapes are fruits of the earth and give of themselves in order that we might celebrate. This symbol which Jesus used for His Blood, speaks to us of giving and of sacrifice in order that we might enjoy the benefits of His love.




From the very earliest periods some gods and goddesses have been, from certain attributes and the peculiar powers attributed to them, represented in the form of fish, and the fish has also been used as a Christian emblem from the early days of Christianity.

The fish is found in an allegoric or symbolic sense in the ancient remains of almost every nation. In Ireland, where, in their primeval religion, Fin, or Finian , as recorded in the ancient annals of Ireland, was an antediluvian who escaped drowning in the Deluge by being transformed into a salmon, and afterwards lived, restored to his original human form, till the time of St. Patrick, who converted him to Christianity. A symbol of faith, abundance, hospitality, fruitfulness, and in Jewish lore a symbol of fertility.



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Staff have put together a short tutorial on using Serif Draw, as many of you are using this popular free graphic software. Click on the Logo for infprmation.



The foreleg of a lion, bear or other beast, from the knee joint; if couped or erased near the middle joint, it is called paw. Ancient symbolism signified that the bearer needed only a show a glimpse of his strength to the enemy, for this enemy to surmise the wholeness of his ferocity.



A fly that so stings the cattle as to make them gad or run madly about; it makes a humming noise when flying and has a sting both great and stiff. May denote one who should never be underestimated because of the size of his army or his physical stature.



 When the quarry is bolted the hawk flies fast in pursuit and seizes its prey with its talons, overpowering it through sheer strength of grip. If it misses, it is trained to return to the falconer's glove for a piece of meat. Usually borne on a shield by a bearer who was indeed a Falconer or one who successfully completed an enterprise involving a Falcon.



The Republic of Austria, Kingdom of Denmark Plus, and the Gaelic Crests-Ireland.

The World's Leader in Heraldry Art

Corel Draw Logo

We are leaving this help tip up, as more and more of you are upgrading

your Corel Draw software to X3 or X4 or X6

Corel Draw has changed some default settings in X3 and X4 that can render your vector images black, do the same for your F9 preview and in the case of X4 display your image excessively dark.



  • Top Command Bar/View Select 'enhanced' and not 'enhanced with overprints';

  • Top Command Bar/Tools/Color Management Color Mode for Effects-should be set at RGB (not CMYK); 

  • Top Command Bar/Tools Select 'Save Settings as default' ;

  • When importing AG graphics into X4, make sure you first group your image before using the F9 full screen preview (X3 imports the graphic already grouped).


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Site Design & Graphics by Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. All Heraldry Art, Heraldry Clipart, Gods and Goddesses Clipart, Saints Collection, Italian Coats of Arms, Birds of Prey Clipart. Heraldic Alphabets, Spanish Coats of Arms, and all other heraldic, coats of arms, or companion images contained in this site including downloads are copyright of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. The Heraldry Clipart is hand drawn by Armorial Gold Heraldry. Heraldic art samples are provided as a courtesy to potential buyers and the heraldry samples remain the property of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Reproduction in any form other than in the manner stipulated in the Armorial Gold Heraldry Services license agreement or FAQ section is strictly prohibited. All heraldic and companion images purchased through this site are governed by a license agreement executed between the buyer and Armorial Gold Heraldry Services