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Abbreviations used on this site and in historical writings on the subject of Heraldry


Alphabetical by abbreviation:

Abbreviation Expanded Type Notes Reference
&c. (&c.) et cetera, (latin) meaning and others, or, and so forth Misc It's not that the "reader will understand exactly what has been abridged"; the reader only understands that something formulaic has been abridged.
2H Two Heads AG File Names
Æ. age Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Æt. age Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
AIA Arm in Armor AG File Names
ar. Argent (silver) Tincture
Ayr. Ayrshire (Scotland) Place
az. Azure (blue) Tincture
b. born Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
b. Baron Title From dictionary of Mottoes
bap. baptized Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
bapt. baptized Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Bart. Baronet Title
bd. buried Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Beds. Bedfordshire Place
Berks. Berkshire Place
BETW between AG File Names
bis again or twice latin The word bis comes from Latin meaning “twice” or "doubly"
bt. Baronet Title From dictionary of Mottoes
BTF between the forelegs AG File Names
BTTP between the paws AG File Names
bu. buried Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Bucks. Buckinghamshire Place
bur. buried Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
burd. buried Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
c. City Misc From dictionary of Mottoes
C.B. Commander of the Bath Title
Camb. Cambridgeshire Place
carnat. carnation Tincture The natural color of human flesh. 165
cf. confer or conferatur Latin Compare with
Chesh. Cheshire Place
co. in the country of Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
coh. coheir Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
cohr. coheir Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Coll Collared AG File Names
com. in the country of Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
comp. Company Misc From dictionary of Mottoes
Cornw. Cornwall Place
Cpt Couped AG File Names
Cumb. Cumberland Place
d. died Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
d. Duke Title From dictionary of Mottoes
D.C.L Doctor of Civil Laws Title
D.D. Doctor of Divinity Title
da. daughter Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
dau. daughter Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Dbl double AG File Names
Derb. Derbyshire Place
Devon. Devonshire Place
Disp Displayed AG File Names
Do. Ditto Misc Same as above/before, from Italian Detto, from Latin Dicere
Dors. Dorsetshire Place
Durh. Durham Place
e. Earle Title From dictionary of Mottoes
Eng. England Place
Era Erased AG File Names
Erasd Erased AG File Names
erm. Ermine Tincture
Ess. Essex Place
Exp Expanded AG File Names
FDL Fleur-di-lis AG File Names
fil. et hær son and heir Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
G.B. Great Britain Place
G.C.B. Grand Cross of the Bath Title
Glouc. Gloucestershire Place
gu. Gules (red) Tincture
h. heir Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Hants. Hampshire Place
Hd head AG File Names
Hds Heads AG File Names
Heref. Herefordshire Place
Herts. Hertfordshire Place
HH head holding AG File Names
His. History Misc Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Holdi Holding AG File Names
hr. ap. heir apparent Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
hr. appart. heir apparent Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Hunts. Huntingdonshire Place
Inv Inverted AG File Names
Iri. Ireland Place
K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath Title
K.G. Knight of the Garter Title
K.P. Knight of St. Patrick Title
K.T. Knight of the Thistle Title
Knt. Knight Title
l. Lord Title From dictionary of Mottoes
Lanc. Lancashire Place
Leic. Leicestershire Place
Linc. Lincolnshire Place
m. married Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
m. Marquis Title From dictionary of Mottoes
M.D. Doctor of Medicine Title
mar. married Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
md. married Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Midd. Middlesex Place
Middx. Middlesex Place
Monm. Monmouthshire Place
n. Number Misc
N.S. Nova Scotia Place
na. born Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
nat. born Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Nor. Norfolk Place Found in reference to Francis Blomefield - Blomefield's History of Norfolk Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Norf. Norfolk Place
Northamp. Northamptonshire Place
Northumb. Northumberland Place
Notts. Nottinghamshire Place
NS no shield AG File Names
ob. died Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. cœl. died a bachelor Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. inf. died an infant Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. inf. æt. died a minor Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. inn. died a spinster Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. juv. died in youth Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. s.p. died without issue Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. s.p. leg. died without lawful issue Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. s.p. mas. died without male issue Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. s.p.s. died without surviving issue Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
ob. v.p. died in the lifetime of his or her father Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
obt. died Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Oxon. Oxfordshire Place
pl. Plate Misc
ppr. Proper Tincture Natural or normal color
purp. Purpure (purple) Tincture
q.v. quod videās or quod vidē Latin Which see
Q'd Queued AG File Names
Reg Reguardant AG File Names
Rmpt Rampant AG File Names
RS removable shield AG File Names
Ruts. Rutlandshire Place
s. son Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
s. & h. son and heir Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
s.p. sine prole Genealogy without offspring A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Burke
s.p.m. sine prole mascula Genealogy without male offspring A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Burke
sa. Sable (black) Tincture
Salop. Shropshire Place
Sco. Scotland Place
sepult. buried Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
sin. Sinople (fr. Green) Tincture
Somers. Somersetshire Place
Sp separated part AG File Names
sp. buried Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
St. Saint Title
Staff. Staffordshire Place
Suff. Suffolk Place
Surr. Surrey Place Book of Family Crests
Suss. Sussex Place
t. Town Misc From dictionary of Mottoes
temp. in the time of Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
TMP Template AG File Names A file where parts can be easily added, removed, or changed.
U.K. United Kingdom Place
unmar. unmarried Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
v. Viscount Title From dictionary of Mottoes
v. videlicet (videre licet) Latin see also Rietstap's Armorial General
v.p. vita patris. Genealogy the life of the father A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Burke
Visc. Viscount Title
viv. was living, or lived in the time of Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
vix. was living, or lived in the time of Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
viz. videlicet (videre licet) Latin see also Rietstap's Armorial General
Warw. Warwickshire Place
Wel. Wales Place
Westm. Westmoreland Place
wid. widow Genealogy Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Wilts. Wiltshire Place
Worc. Worcestershire Place
York. Yorkshire Place


Type Abbreviation Expanded Notes Reference
AG File Names 2H Two Heads
AG File Names AIA Arm in Armor
AG File Names BETW between
AG File Names BTF between the forelegs
AG File Names BTTP between the paws
AG File Names Coll Collared
AG File Names Cpt Couped
AG File Names Dbl double
AG File Names Disp Displayed
AG File Names Era Erased
AG File Names Erasd Erased
AG File Names Exp Expanded
AG File Names FDL Fleur-di-lis
AG File Names Hd head
AG File Names Hds Heads
AG File Names HH head holding
AG File Names Holdi Holding
AG File Names Inv Inverted
AG File Names NS no shield
AG File Names Q'd Queued
AG File Names Reg Reguardant
AG File Names Rmpt Rampant
AG File Names RS removable shield
AG File Names Sp separated part
AG File Names TMP Template A file where parts can be easily added, removed, or changed.
Genealogy Æ. age Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy Æt. age Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy b. born Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy bap. baptized Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy bapt. baptized Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy bd. buried Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy bu. buried Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy bur. buried Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy burd. buried Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy co. in the country of Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy coh. coheir Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy cohr. coheir Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy com. in the country of Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy d. died Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy da. daughter Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy dau. daughter Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy fil. et hær son and heir Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy h. heir Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy hr. ap. heir apparent Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy hr. appart. heir apparent Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy m. married Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy mar. married Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy md. married Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy na. born Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy nat. born Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. died Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. cœl. died a bachelor Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. inf. died an infant Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. inf. æt. died a minor Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. inn. died a spinster Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. juv. died in youth Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. s.p. died without issue Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. s.p. leg. died without lawful issue Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. s.p. mas. died without male issue Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. s.p.s. died without surviving issue Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy ob. v.p. died in the lifetime of his or her father Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy obt. died Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy s. son Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy s. & h. son and heir Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy s.p. sine prole without offspring A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Burke
Genealogy s.p.m. sine prole mascula without male offspring A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Burke
Genealogy sepult. buried Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy sp. buried Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy temp. in the time of Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy unmar. unmarried Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy v.p. vita patris. the life of the father A genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland - Burke
Genealogy viv. was living, or lived in the time of Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy vix. was living, or lived in the time of Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Genealogy wid. widow Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
latin bis again or twice The word bis comes from Latin meaning “twice” or "doubly"
Latin cf. confer or conferatur Compare with
Latin q.v. quod videās or quod vidē Which see
Latin v. videlicet (videre licet) see also Rietstap's Armorial General
Latin viz. videlicet (videre licet) see also Rietstap's Armorial General
Misc &c. (&c.) et cetera, (latin) meaning and others, or, and so forth It's not that the "reader will understand exactly what has been abridged"; the reader only understands that something formulaic has been abridged.
Misc c. City From dictionary of Mottoes
Misc comp. Company From dictionary of Mottoes
Misc Do. Ditto Same as above/before, from Italian Detto, from Latin Dicere
Misc His. History Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Misc n. Number
Misc pl. Plate
Misc t. Town From dictionary of Mottoes
Place Ayr. Ayrshire (Scotland)
Place Beds. Bedfordshire
Place Berks. Berkshire
Place Bucks. Buckinghamshire
Place Camb. Cambridgeshire
Place Chesh. Cheshire
Place Cornw. Cornwall
Place Cumb. Cumberland
Place Derb. Derbyshire
Place Devon. Devonshire
Place Dors. Dorsetshire
Place Durh. Durham
Place Eng. England
Place Ess. Essex
Place G.B. Great Britain
Place Glouc. Gloucestershire
Place Hants. Hampshire
Place Heref. Herefordshire
Place Herts. Hertfordshire
Place Hunts. Huntingdonshire
Place Iri. Ireland
Place Lanc. Lancashire
Place Leic. Leicestershire
Place Linc. Lincolnshire
Place Midd. Middlesex
Place Middx. Middlesex
Place Monm. Monmouthshire
Place N.S. Nova Scotia
Place Nor. Norfolk Found in reference to Francis Blomefield - Blomefield's History of Norfolk Elvin's Dictionary of Heraldry
Place Norf. Norfolk
Place Northamp. Northamptonshire
Place Northumb. Northumberland
Place Notts. Nottinghamshire
Place Oxon. Oxfordshire
Place Ruts. Rutlandshire
Place Salop. Shropshire
Place Sco. Scotland
Place Somers. Somersetshire
Place Staff. Staffordshire
Place Suff. Suffolk
Place Surr. Surrey Book of Family Crests
Place Suss. Sussex
Place U.K. United Kingdom
Place Warw. Warwickshire
Place Wel. Wales
Place Westm. Westmoreland
Place Wilts. Wiltshire
Place Worc. Worcestershire
Place York. Yorkshire
Tincture ar. Argent (silver)
Tincture az. Azure (blue)
Tincture carnat. carnation The natural color of human flesh. 165
Tincture erm. Ermine
Tincture gu. Gules (red)
Tincture ppr. Proper Natural or normal color
Tincture purp. Purpure (purple)
Tincture sa. Sable (black)
Tincture sin. Sinople (fr. Green)
Title b. Baron From dictionary of Mottoes
Title Bart. Baronet
Title bt. Baronet From dictionary of Mottoes
Title C.B. Commander of the Bath
Title d. Duke From dictionary of Mottoes
Title D.C.L Doctor of Civil Laws
Title D.D. Doctor of Divinity
Title e. Earle From dictionary of Mottoes
Title G.C.B. Grand Cross of the Bath
Title K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath
Title K.G. Knight of the Garter
Title K.P. Knight of St. Patrick
Title K.T. Knight of the Thistle
Title Knt. Knight
Title l. Lord From dictionary of Mottoes
Title m. Marquis From dictionary of Mottoes
Title M.D. Doctor of Medicine
Title St. Saint
Title v. Viscount From dictionary of Mottoes
Title Visc. Viscount

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