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Armorial Gold Viewer

Got Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 10 and no longer have thumbnail view for your WMF images.

Armorial Gold Heraldry has written some software for you.

Important note:

The Copy/Paste function will only work, if your editing software, features this option. For Example: it works in Corel Draw, and newer versions of Illustrator, but not in Serif Draw...


  • Click the Download Now button. The Program will be saved to your download directory. Once downloaded, go to your download directory and double click on ViewerInstaller2.7.92. Follow the prompts to install the program.

  • Once you've got it installed, click the Armorial Gold Viewer Icon on your Start > All Programs menu to run the program. You'll see a window like the screen shot on the left. Select the drive where your Armorial Gold art is, then select the folder you want to preview

  • Click on the pink button, preview selected folder. Your images load in the right window, and your file names on the left. When images are loaded, you can use the scroll bar to view.

  • Click once on any image, and the file name shows in the bottom left window. Double click on any image, and a larger view is shown. Right click on this larger image, and select "copy". You then can paste into your editing software.

Armorial Gold Viewer


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Copyright Information

Copyright © 2001-2023 - Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.
Our Heraldry Art is hand drawn in vector format by our graphic artists. Heraldic art samples are provided as a courtesy to potential buyers and the heraldry samples remain the property of Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Reproduction in any form other than in the manner stipulated in the Armorial Gold Heraldry Services license agreement or FAQ section or by special arrangement is strictly prohibited.
All Heraldry Art and Heraldry Clipart, vector and bitmap, including: Gods and Goddesses Clip-art, Saints Clipart, Italian Coat of Arms Images, Birds of Prey Clipart, Heraldic Alphabets clipart, Spanish Coat of Arms images, English and British Coat of Arms images, Irish coat of arms images, Das Wapen German Coat of Arms images, Dutch Coats of Arms images, French Coat of Arms Images, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Coat of Arms images, Polish Coat of Arms Clipart, Portuguese Coat of Arms, Austrian Coat of Arms, Swiss Coat of Arms, Welsh Coat of Arms clipart, American Coat of Arms Coats images, Heraldry Badge images, Heraldic Crest images, Irish Coat of Arms Clipart, Knighthood Orders images, and all other heraldic, coat of arms, or companion images contained in this site including downloads are copyright Armorial Gold Heraldry Services. Heraldic Symbolism information in our Heraldry symbolism library and Heraldic definitions in out Heraldry Dictionary are copyright Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.
All heraldic and companion images purchased through this site are governed by a license agreement executed between the buyer and Armorial Gold Heraldry Services.